One Session Hypnotherapy – 90mins



What happens in a hypnotherapy session?

A hypnotherapy session consists of 3 main parts:

  1. We start off with a 10-minute chat to explain how it works and what to expect. This is absolutely crucial because without doing this you won’t know what’s going on and it wouldn’t work.
  2. We clear out junk from your mind. This is where we go back and clear out any negative things from your life that are holding you back. Without doing this you would be wasting your time trying to fix a problem as these old issues could well be part of it. You will likely get very emotional on this part of the session and many people cry. That’s nothing to be afraid of; it means that what we’re doing is working and your issues are being released.
  3. We then use the most appropriate hypnotherapy technique to work with whatever has come up


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